Help Lines - Rule of Two

Kids Helpline

Call: 1-800-668-6868
Text: 686868

Bullying Helpline

Call: 1-888-456-2323
Chat (8am-8pm): Bullying Helpline Chat

Child Abuse Hotline


Mental Health Helpline



Mental Health for Sport

The Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sport (CMHS) is a registered charity supporting the mental health and performance of competitive and high-performance athletes, coaches, and performing artists. The CCMHS is the first Centre in Canada to offer collaborative sport/performance-focused mental health care services designed to help athletes, coaches, and performing artists achieve their performance goals while preserving their mental health and well-being. The CCMHS provides mental health services to competitive and high-performance athletes and coaches, as well as competitive performing artists.  Here are the eligibility criteria:

•  Must be 16 years of age or older
•  Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
•  Must participate in a sport or performance domain at a competitive or high-performance level
•  Must be experiencing mental health challenges

Refer yourself or someone else to access sport/performance-focused mental health care from anywhere in Canada!

Edmonton Distress Centre

(780) 482-4357 (HELP)

Calgary Distress Centre

(403) 266-4357  (HELP)

 Rule of Two


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Jan. 26, 2025

U15 Yellow Bottle Drive
Stony Plain

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